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Monday, January 31, 2011

CCNA About Layerd Models:-

            -: Layered Models:-

The Layered Approach:-
  -       A reference model is a conceptual blue print of how communication should take place.
  -       It Address all the processes required for effective communication and devices these processes into logical groupings called layers.
  -       When a communication system is designed in this manner, It’s known as layered architecture.

                     -: The OSI Model:-
  -      The OSI isn’t a physical model. Rather it’s a set of guide line that application developers can use to create and implement applications that run on a network.
  -       It also provides a framework for creating and implementing networking standards, devices and internetworking schemes.
                                -: The Upper Layer :-
7. Application     -     Provides user interface.
6. Presentation   -    (i) Present Data.
                            -    (ii) Handles Processing such as encryption.
5. Session           -     Keeps different Application’s data.
                                 -: The Lawyer Layer :-
4. Transport       -     (i) Provides reliable or unreliable delivery.
                           -     (ii) Performs error correction before retransmit. 
3. Network         -     Provides logical addressing which routers use for path Determination.
2. Data Link       -     (i) Combines packets into bytes, and bytes into frames,
                           -     (ii) Provides access to media using MAC address    
                           -     (iii) Performs error detection not correction.
1. Physical          -     (i) Moves bits between devices
                           -     (ii) Specifies voltage, Write speed and pin out of cable.

                                -: The Layer Functions:-
7. Application     -    File Print, Message, Data Base and Application services.
6. Presentation   -    Data encryption, Compression and Translation service.
5. Session           -    Dialog Control.
4. Transport       -    End to End Connection
3. Network         -    Routing
2. Data Link       -    Framing
1. Physical          -    Physical Topology

CCNA - About Internetworking Basics

-: Internetworking Basics:-
Here’s A list of some of the things that commonly cause LAN traffic congestion:-
-           Too many hosts in a broadcast Domain.
-           Broadband Storms.
-           Multicasting.
-           Low Bandwidth.
-           Adding hubs for connectivity to the network.
-           A Bunch of ARP or IPX traffic (IPX is a Novell protocol that is such as IP, But really chatty. Typically not used today’s networks.)

There are two advantage of using routers in your network:-
-           They don’t forward broadcast by default.
-           They can filter the network based on layer3 (Network Layer) information (e.g. IP address).

Four Router Functions in your Network can be listed as follows:-
-           Packet Switching
-           Packet Filtering
-           Internetwork Communication
-           Path Selection

CCNA ( -: Router Mode:- )

-: Router Mode:-

   -1. Interface mode/user mode                                To routing information
   -2. Privilege mode/Addministrator                        To trouble shooting
   -3. Configuration mode/Globlization mode            To add the commands 

- : MODE:-
1. Router>  It is a user mode.
2. Router> enable
3. Router# It is privilege mode.
4. Router#configure terminal
5. Router(config) # It is a Global mode
6. Router(config) #exit
            To come out from mode one by one.

CCNA ( -: Router:- )

                            -: Router:-
Hardware Component in Router:-
  1. CPU
  2.   -RAM                                        Running data/online process
  3.   -NVRAM                                  As a Hard Disk
  4.   -ROM                                        BIOS chip
  5. LOGIC BOARD                     
  7.   -SMPS                                       To AC power supply

    Types of Interface ports:-
    1.   -Serial Port                                To connnect Router to Router         
    2.   -Ethernet/FastEthernet            To send rate 1-100MBPS/100-1000 MBPS
    3.   -Auxilary Port                           To WAN
    4.   -BRI/PRI Port                           To ISDN Line
    5.   -Console Port                            PC to Router & Router to PC
    6.   -Power Port                               To AC Power Supply

    Types of Router:-
    1.   -Fix                                              Under 2500 Series
    2.   -Modular                                     External 2600 Series
    3.   -MPLS                                         To Multicasting & Security Purpose.

    CCNA ( -: Protocol:- )

    -: Protocol:-
    1. RIP (Routing Information Protocol):- RIP is an entire gateway protocol that manages the exchange of routing table information among routes. RIP unable router to exchange their routing table at a free defines internal.
    This way is efficient & way to replaced by the Open Shortest Path First protocol. Which updates the routing table only then network change occurred. The RIP is a distance vector protocol that is defined in two versions. That is Version­­1 & Version2.

    2. IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol):- IGRP is distance vector routes protocol. This implies, that is router sends all or a part of routing table in a routing message update.

    3. EIGRP (Enhance Interior Gateway Routing Protocol):- Host Introduce as an improvement to IGRP. EIGRP host created using IGRP as the base & adding additional function to IGRP.

    4. OSPF (Open Shortest Path First):- The OSPF is a link state routing protocol use to handle routing for internet protocol transmission. A link state routing protocol update in routing table on. Then network changes occur router at a free define interval.

    5. CHSAP (Challenge Hand Shake Authentication Protocol):- CHSAP is used to establish secure communication between router server & node. Servers send a challenge to the node.